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How can I reach a resolution on a voluntary basis?

We understand that reaching a voluntary agreement can significantly reduce the stress and costs associated with resolving family disputes. Whether you are dealing with divorce, financial matters, or cohabitation agreements, we offer a range of services designed to help you achieve a fair and amicable resolution.

We use a sophisticated online platform to gather essential information, allowing us to provide a cost-effective service while ensuring extensive information during your first appointment. This initial meeting is an opportunity to discuss your concerns, objectives, and legal options, and for you to ask questions and ensure you feel comfortable working with us.

First Meeting

We tailor our approach to your unique situation, providing personalised advice. Our goal is to support you in securing a fair resolution, starting by helping you understand your legal standing. We will set out your legal options tailored to your specific circumstances and work towards achieving the best possible outcome for you.

Throughout the process, we empower you to make informed decisions and effectively represent your interests. We offer several non-court options to help you reach a voluntary agreement:

  1. Negotiation by Solicitors: Our experienced solicitors will negotiate on your behalf to reach an amicable agreement with the other party.
  2. Resolution Together: Our “Resolution Together” approach involves both parties working with one  lawyer to resolve issues collaboratively. This innovative method ensures that both sides have legal advice while working towards a mutually acceptable agreement.
  3. Round Table Meetings: These meetings involve both parties and their solicitors sitting together to narrow down the issues and work towards a resolution.
  4. Arbitration: An arbitrator will make a binding decision on your case based on the evidence and arguments presented, providing a quicker and often more private alternative to court proceedings.

Formalising the Agreement

Once an agreement has been reached, we will guide you through the process of formalising it. This may involve drafting a legal document, such as a financial consent order, parenting plan, or cohabitation agreement.

Court as a Last Resort

While our focus is on helping you resolve matters without going to court, we understand that sometimes court intervention is necessary. If that becomes the case, we will advise you accordingly and provide representation to protect your interests.

Getting started

At Starke Family Law, we use a sophisticated online platform to streamline the process and gather essential information efficiently, you can get started online now.

This article does not constitute legal advice.